Free Initial Phone Consultation

(415) 617-5839

San Francisco Somatic Therapist

Go Beyond Talk Therapy

You may be here because you are looking for something beyond typical talk therapy.

Maybe you were referred by someone and are curious what somatic therapy is all about.

Therapy Beyond Talking

Imagine coming into therapy not having to worry what to talk about. You can let yourself be and feel exactly as you are in all its contradictions. This is the opportunity to pay deep attention to YOU.

This includes paying attention to your body and listening to its experience. Many times clients are surprised to discover a memory arise, just by paying attention to say, the shoulder, or an unexamined impulse arising from the movement in the feet.

After becoming mindful of the shoulder and then following the memory that emerged, one of my clients, Miranda, got in touch with a deep longing to be protected. This didn’t happen for her as a child. Miranda was moved by how real the experience was for her in present time.

We then got to directly work with this need. I was able to offer Miranda protection in various forms. Over time, as she was able to take these experiences in and feel what it’s like to be safe and protected, her shoulder began to loosen. Miranda began to feel safer in the world and recognize, appropriately, when she is or is not safe. Her anxiety lessened, and she felt more at ease in social situations.

Set Up Your Free Consultation

If you are ready to follow the wisdom that is already within your body, call or email to set up a 30-minute free consultation: 415-617-5839 or